Importance of Sex Education in our society

Sex education is probably the underrated fact and unspoken topic of our society. So basically, we need to understand what does sex education actually mean at first. In consideration with biological terminology, sex education can be defined as the study of the organs of Male and female and acquiring the knowledge of Sexual reproduction.
It is the most conscious topic, that needs to be circulated among the peoples specially among the teenagers. Still most of the elder people think that only they should know about it. So that it may not show any I'll effect on the teenagers. Most of the teenagers either do not have the any knowledge or they have incomplete knowledge about it and this is how they commit mistake for which they regret rest of their life. Despite of knowing that they must have the basic knowledge on sexual education,most of the people feel shy to talk about it.

If we bring some statistic records, then all of us will be surprised to know that in recent years, a total number of 194,377 babies were given birth by the women of the age 15-19 years for a birth rate of 18.8 per 1,000 women of this age group, as of 2017.
Now the time has become to take necessary precautions regarding this topic. Our government is conducting many awareness programs.Many educational institutes have made sex education as a mandatory subject. Every guardian must avoid shame and should aware of their children about it and their consequences. So, everyone can avoid undesirable consequences that may take place if awareness was created at the right time.