Do Bluetooth Headphones Cause Cancer?

By now you must have seen the alarmist headlines claiming that wireless headsets can potentially cause cancer. Yes, wireless devices surely emit radiation but can they cause greater harm than other similar devices? What you need to understand is that you cannot avoid radiation in your lives even if you lived a completely pastoral existence off the grid. Should you still replace your Bluetooth headphones with those old school earbuds? Let us dig into these claims.

Bluetooth Headphones Are Safer Than Cell Phones

At this point, you can relax as there is no conclusive evidence on whether radiation from mobile phones is harmful to your health. However, we do know one thing for sure: certain Bluetooth headsets are much safer for you. Experts agree that there is no way to avoid exposure to radiation as there is radiation in everything from your food, travel, and sun. However, you can choose the lesser evil and limit your exposure to radiation. Wireless headphones emit less radiation than other objects like your cell phones.  
But cell phones too are not a thing of worry. The radio waves of electric and magnetic energy that radiates from cell phones, radios, and other types of wireless technologies like Bluetooth are different from those stronger types of radiation we are often exposed to, including x-rays, gamma rays, and ultraviolet rays light from the sun, which can break the chemical bonds in your DNA.

Understanding the Theory

Moreover, there is no enough research to suggest that Bluetooth radiations cause the tumor. Scientists tend to favor the use of Bluetooth headsets more often to help avoid closer contact with phones. This is because phones have to transmit a signal to an antenna that might be many kilometers away but Bluetooth headsets only need to reach the phone in your pocket. Most Bluetooth headsets have a range of only 10 meters (30 feet). This also means that they emit far less radiation than cell phones themselves. But it is also advisable to use good quality Bluetooth products to further reduce any risks that may be connected to its usage.