Most people drink a cup of coffee or a cup of cold water shortly after awakening. But, in order to get the most out of your morning drinking, you should enjoy a cup of hot water.

 Multiple studies have shown that drinking warm water on an empty stomach offers a wide array of health benefits & is one of the best ways to start your day for maximum productivity.

Here is a shortlist that outlines some of these health benefits:

1. Reduce The Pain:

Drinking hot water has the ability to reduce swelling in the throat, which provides temporary relief of pain. It really works wonders for the frustrated and dry throat.

This is especially useful during the morning when you wake up with a dry throat causing pain during swallowing. Surprisingly, a noticeable improvement can be experienced after taking the first sip of hot water. After all, warm water also alleviates the pain by softening the stomach muscles.

2. Improves Muscle Movements:

A study has shown that up to 58 percent of patients suffering from achalasia, a condition in which the lower esophagus muscles fail to relax, have experienced significant improvements in the condition after drinking hot water.
Drinking a glass of warm water on an empty stomach is a good way to stimulate the colon to move the intestines easier. In addition, it sets the body for the best absorption of food during the day.

3. Improves The Blood Circulation System:

Drinking warm water improves the flow of blood into the body's circulatory system. It has been shown scientifically that when the body is exposed to warm temperatures, the bloodstream flow initially increases dramatically.
Then, it falls again to the normal rate of blood flow and begins to grow gradually as long as it is exposed to warmth. Warm water essentially improves circulation by warming the body from the inside.

4. Weight Loss:

While staying well hydrated is generally beneficial for weight loss, it turns out that getting it warm is the best way to consume this juice.
In a study by the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine focused on a group of overweight women who were given a large amount of hot water.
At the end of the study, it was found that women had experienced a noticeable decline in appetite, weight, and body mass index.

Doctor suggestion

Preferably, take a cup of warm water in the morning, to stimulate the movement of the intestine, as hot water helps to relax the blood vessels and the digestive tract and thus stimulate digestion. Taking a cup of lukewarm water keeps the body balanced and promotes the body's persistence by applying all its functions. The stability of the human body temperature at about 37 ° C during most of the day is beneficial to chemical reactions in the body that rely on enzymes called enzymes Which is about 37 degrees Celsius. Other organisms have different temperatures than humans, since the enzymes and chemical reactions inside their bodies work with different heat. Protecting warm water from hardening of fatty substances in the body stimulates digestion. The baby is advised not to drink too much warm water during food because it increases the number of acids in the stomach. Drinking cold or iced water helps to lose weight more effectively than hot water. This is because the body adjusts its temperature immediately after it receives any fluids or nutrients, leading to a higher calorie-burning rate, greater excretion of sweat, More water for fluid recovery. Drinking hot water on a hot day relieves the body of toxins due to increased sweating, leading to the release of toxins out of the body and purification of the bloodstream. After physical exertion, you should drink cold water because it helps to cool the body more effectively than warm water. It is preferable to take cold water to clean the urinary tract and expel the infections and can be added to the lemon in the form of boiled pieces or natural juice, which can help to reduce these infections.